Interview: Nikki Moore

بواسطة Chloe Beveridge

Interview: Nikki Moore
Nikki Moore is best known for featuring as 'Gadget Girl’ on BBC2 Something for the Weekend. She's the go-to-girl for all things tech and has worked with channels including BBC, ITN and SKY news as a technology commentator. We were lucky enough to ask her a few questions about beauty technology and women in the tech business as a whole.

How did you get into the tech business?

After graduating I started my tech career at IBM doing a technical support role. I then continued down the technical route doing various different roles in investment banks including Morgan Stanley, Barclays Capital and BNP Paribas. I then set up my own tech consultancy in 1997 followed by my technology website - a technology site aimed at women, a few years later.

How do you see the role of women in technology changing?

The role of women in technology has changed vastly since I started out in tech when I was very often the only woman in a room full of male geeks! There is a greater awareness of what women can now bring to technology teams, which helps them be recruited more actively for these kinds of jobs. Also schools and colleges are now more actively encouraging girls to take up STEM subjects which in turn leads to more women entering the industry. I think more and more girls will continue to take up jobs in tech which can only be a good thing, diversity is key in this industry.

Where do you see the beauty technology industry going?

I think as technology advances more and more beauty products will make use of the tech out there to enhance their products where possible. As long as consumers can reap the benefits of these advancements the beauty tech industry will go from strength to strength.

What’s the most impressive electrical beauty device you’ve come across?

Although I am yet to try all of them, I’d have to say that skin cleansers are creating a whole new routine for men and women alike. The effects that a device like Clarisonic can have on your skin are changing the way we see beauty preparation and skincare as a whole.

Do you think it is easier for men to build a career in technology than it is for women?

No absolutely not. Men or women should never be constrained by stereotyping that may go on in a particular industry. If you are interested and capable in the technology field why should your gender hold you back, I have never bought into this notion. If someone is smart and wants to work in tech then they will always shine through whether they are male or female.

Do you have any advice for young women trying to get into the technology industry?

It is a great industry to be part of; it’s exciting, interesting and constantly evolving. Making good contacts is always helpful for example via LinkedIn or Twitter, going to relevant tech events to meet people is always useful and setting up a blog can also be beneficial ,if you are interested in a specific area of tech it can help raise your profile.

Do you think there’s an added pressure for young women who want to work in the beauty industry to look a certain way?

This is a tricky one. I guess if you work in an industry that promotes making you look and feel better, someone who maybe looks fit and healthy would be a better advert for this kind of industry.
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