With only 3% of women considering a career in technology, creating an attractive and inclusive working environment is incredibly important. There’s a long journey ahead to close the gender gap, and it all begins with a common dialogue to support and encourage everyone to reach their full potential.
Sometimes it’s easy to focus on the obstacles faced, but we believe the best way to inspire is to look at the success stories of women in technology who have paved their own way in the industry. Colette Courtion is one of those women. As the founder of FemTech company Joylux, she focuses on creating home use devices that empower women to live their best lives and take control of their own health.
We spoke to Colette about what it’s like to be a woman in a world of technology and make a real difference.
vSculpt began when you became a mother. What was so special about that life phase that encouraged you to start your own business?
I have always been an entrepreneur. I have founded several successful health and beauty related companies. Being pregnant and having my son opened my eyes to other uses of technology that I had already spent years developing. Motherhood is such a gift and to be able to help other women in my situation has been incredibly rewarding.
What factors have been key to your success?
For me, a steadfast belief in our mission has been essential. There are definitely times when it all feels overwhelming and out of reach. We have a bulletin board in our office, outlining “Why We Do What We Do” with all the statistics from our clinical trial. Building a company is an uphill battle but being reminded of how much our products help women keeps me grounded.
Have you faced any barriers that you have had to overcome?
The fact that the business world is predominately men has been an issue in gaining funding for this company. Women get it right off the bat but I’ll go into pitches with investors and it’ll just be a room full of men giving me blank stares. They have no familiarity with the issue so they don’t understand the purpose and necessity of the device. It can be challenging when there is such a divide between the typical investor and our target market.
It must be challenging at times to balance family life and run a growing business. How do you find the right work/life balance for you?
I feel like every woman faces this struggle. We all do our best to balance our home life and our work life as best we can. I have a fantastic team at Joylux to help me navigate, along with a very supportive network of friends and family to help. My evenings, after Coleman goes to bed, are the time I dedicate to myself to relax and unwind and prepare for the coming day.