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مجفف شعر Featherweight 2 من T3

تجفيف سهل وسريع

Rated 5.0 out of 5
Based on 3 reviews

مجفف شعر Featherweight 2 من T3

تجفيف سهل وسريع

Rated 5.0 out of 5
Based on 3 reviews

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نحن نقبل:

العناوين الرئيسية

  • يجفف شعرك بسرعة أكبر
  • يحمي شعرك في أثناء تجفيفه
  • شعر مجفف بالهواء في 7 دقائق فقط
  • لطيف على الشعر
  • سرعتان و3 إعدادات

2 year warranty Official T3 Retailer
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ملاحظات المحرر

ببساطة، جميعنا يحب الشعر المجفف ذا المظهر الأنيق، لكن لا أحد يحب الوقوف وحمل مجفف الشعر لنصف ساعة كاملة في وقت نحتاج فيه إلى كل دقيقة للاستعداد والخروج. يجمع لك مجفف شعر Featherweight من T3 أفضل ما في الجانبين، وفي الوقت ذاته يعتني بمظهرك ويحافظ عليه. يتميز مجفف الشعر بتصميمه الانسيابي الاحترافي الذي يجعله إضافة رائعة إلى مجموعتك من أدوات العناية بالشعر.


  • مجفف شعر Featherweight 2 من T3
  • فوهة ملحقة
  • كابل طاقة متصل
  • ضمان لمدة عامين

خبراء أجهزة الجمال لدينا هنا ليساعدوك:

تقنية التورمالين

قدمت T3 مجفف الشعر هذا مزودًا بتقنيتي التورمالين و SoftAire ليخرج لك كمية أكبر من الهواء المار من خلاله وعبر خصلات شعرك بدرجة الحرارة المثالية والسرعة المطلوبة. ويضمن لك ذلك تقليل الأضرار التي تلحق بشعرك. ينطلق بعد ذلك من المجفف الهواء الغني بالأيونات بشكل مخروطي عريض لتجفيف أجزاء كبيرة من شعرك بفعالية أكبر من مجفف الشعر العادي، وفي الوقت ذاته بمفعول ألطف على الشعر وأكثر عناية به. يعمل مجفف شعر Featherweight 2 بسرعتين و3 إعدادات مختلفة، فضلاً عن وضع لنبضات الهواء الباردة التي تضيف إلى شعرك لمساته النهائية اللامعة.

قراءة المزيد عن T3

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100% of reviewers would recommend this product to a friend
3 Reviews
Reviewed by Emily
I recommend this product
Rated 5 out of 5
Review posted

T3 Lightweight

Always had issues with dry frizzy hair after blowdrying but I’ve noticed less frizz & softer hair with the T3 lightweight. Also dries my big head of hair faster than my old hairdryer.

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Reviewed by Jan
Verified Buyer
I recommend this product
Rated 5 out of 5
Review posted

YES I do believe its worth it

I have tested the T3 Featherweight 2 for six weeks and the outcome of the product test is as follows:

The T3 featherweight claims to dry hair up to 75% faster than standard hairdryers thus retaining moisture which promotes smoothness, shine and improves general health and appearance of hair.

I'm not a technical expert, but what I do understand is that when heated, Tourmaline emits negative ions and healthy infrared heat, which helps to dry hair faster, promoting a healthy, shiny, frizz free result.

Before receiving the product I went on line to gain a little knowledge and find out the price which would be valuable in my final judgement. I was quite shocked to find the price was £149

my last hairdryer cost less than £40 It would have to blow me away for me to even consider that price.

I tested the product for 6 weeks.

When the hairdryer arrived I was quite impressed with the appearance. It was a sleek white design and although on the large side I was surprised how light it was. It came with the standard detachable nozzle and a particularly generous cable of over eight foot which is very convenient when considering socket availability. The unit has standard functions which include 2 speed settings, 3 heat settings and a cool function.

When using the product I dried my hair in the usual way using my normal styling products and round barrel brush. It certainly took considerably less time to dry hair which is very welcoming and a lot easier on the arms. I only have medium length…

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Reviewed by Louise
Verified Buyer
I recommend this product
Rated 5 out of 5
Review posted

Objective review of the T3 Featherweight 2 HairDryer

I have to admit that when I was first asked to 'trial' the T3 featherweight 2 hairdryer by CurrentBody, I was sceptical about what it could achieve. Apart from it's lightweight, ergonomic design, long life motor and various speed settings including the 'cool' blow, the manufacturor also boasts '73% Reduction in Frizz, 86% Increase in Body, 19% Increase in Shine, 33% Increase in Comb-ability, 48% Increase in Style Retention.....with my over bleached, over straightened, naturally curly hair it certainly had it's work cut out! So, I put it to the test.

With £155 price tag it has to deliver results and I can honestly say after using it consistently for 6 weeks I have only been impressed.

First use, to be honest I did wonder what all the fuss was about. Yes, my hair did dry much faster (probably about half the time of using a convential hairdryer), and to be honest to someone like myself who is short on time, often having to wash my hair in a hurry and finding it incredibly tedious, fast drying time is a big bonus. Though fast drying time alone isn't enough for me to go out and buy one in hurry.

After 3 or 4 uses, my mum commented that my hair "didn't look quite so dry" (thanks mum.......think that was a compliment). She was right, years of abuse was starting to take it's toll on any shine left in my locks and the T3 was helping to combat that. A few weeks later a couple of other people commented on how "full" my hair looked........again, I put that down to the T3 as I was…

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