24 July 2018 · By Chloe Beveridge

In Conversation with Emily


The working environment is constantly changing. Here at CurrentBody, we've been keen to support our team with a range of fluid working options, whether that's through flexible hours or telecommutes.

These options have been particularly popular with our working mums as women in business, enabling them to better manage their time to fit in around their lifestyles, without compromising on their careers.

Continuing our women in business series, we spoke to Emily, our Brand Manager, on balancing the two sides of her busy schedule and her hopes for the future.

As a working mum, what is your biggest professional achievement to date?

Having taken 4 years away from work when my girls were born, I was lucky to be offered a part-time, flexible role with CurrentBody when I was ready to return to work. Over 5 years with the company not only has my role changed and grown but the company itself is almost unrecognisable. I am exceptionally proud of my own contribution to the evolution of CB.

For you, what is the one thing a professional environment should offer a mum?

Flexibility. A mum returning to work is likely to be a formidable resource: organised, decisive and dedicated. If a company is able to offer flexible working, there are rewards to be reaped in return and having staff that sometimes work unusual hours can have huge benefits for global companies operating on different time zones.

How do you manage the "juggle”

I have a very busy old fashioned kitchen noticeboard. Everything goes on there from weekly spellings to my marathon training schedule. An online calendar suffices for my work schedule but there’s nothing like a kitchen noticeboard to remind you to throw together that World Book Day costume at 9pm on a Sunday night!

What's the one secret you think all working mums should know about?

To not stress the small stuff. When you first re-join the working world after maternity leave, it can feel like you have to be superwoman - efficient in the office, immaculate home, perfectly behaved child (who actually eats vegetables). You come to realise that if the hoovering isn’t done or your little one decides that broccoli is the devil’s food when you know she loved it yesterday that, frankly, it really doesn’t matter.

What are your future career goals?

My key goal isn’t strictly a career specific one, it’s to show my two girls what women can achieve. I hope that by the time they reach the world of work, that gender equality will be the norm but it is vital that we begin demonstrating that to them now.

In a world of busy online media, do you have any go-to resources to make mum-life easier?

talentedladiesclub.com is an excellent magazine-style site for working mums. School apps also make life lots easier with updates, downloadable homework and booking systems for after school clubs. You also can’t beat a local Facebook group, especially when you have younger children for local activities and advice.

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