13 June 2018 · By Chloe Beveridge

SALON vs HOME: Endermologie and Wellbox


In our new SALON vs HOME series, we're going to be taking a balanced look at some popular salon treatments alongside their home-use alternatives, starting with Endermologie and a CurrentBody favourite - the Wellbox... SALON vs HOME: Endermologie and Wellbox Endermologie by LPG - space-age wellness!

SALON: Endermologie by LPG Systems – The ‘Ferrari of Electrical Beauty’?

Endermologie was introduced in 1986 by its French creator Luis Paul Guitay (LPG) and is widely seen as one of the highest end beauty treatments on the market. I often refer to it as the Ferrari of ‘beauty machines’ due to its innovative and space age design - and of course its sky high price tag for the salon owner and the client. The robotic arms and sleek lines of their devices made the Cellu M6 Endermologie instantly recognisable to spa owners and users and continues to be the stand out equipment at cosmetic and beauty congresses around the globe. In the late 90’s LPG began to concentrate on the wider beauty market after establishing that their techniques were clinically proven in more medical circles, and are now represented in over 110 countries claiming to treat over 200,000 people on a daily basis. My first experience was seeing the CelluM6 (seen above) in action in 2000 in the UK.

How does it work? Treatments are performed by clinicians using rolling heads by devices known as the Cellu M6, Lift M6, and Lipo M6 machines. Traditionally targeting cellulite reduction, firming and toning non-invasively, LPG systems have now also created devices for facial anti ageing treatments.

The rollers and lift valves are specially designed to gently pull the skin tissue and perfectly target specific areas of the body and face completely naturally. It's all based on their principal of Mechanical Cellular Stimulation, which sends a signal deep down to the cells to provoke a physiological response causing an activation of collagen and elastin production and activation of lipolysis (breaking down of fat). This has been scientifically proven and over 26 years the company has continued to develop this technology and lead this competitive field. Of course over this time many have copied the device and skin rolling has become a well known piece of armoury in the fight against cellulite, but no company has successfully rivalled the brand or exquisite design of the French originators.

How much is the in-salon cost? £60 per session - with blocks of 10 recommended. Why? LPG tell us why people choose this method:
  • Those looking for the missing link between overly gentle and ineffective techniques and risky, invasive, and harsh techniques.
  • Those who feel that it’s too early or too late to consider more aggressive techniques.
  • Those who want to naturally boost their potential for slimming and looking younger with long lasting effect.
  • Those seeking ‘wellness and relaxation’.
  • Those that understands that, like muscles, skin needs exercise, a balance diet, and tailored cosmetics.
  • Those that recognise that intensive sports and low-calorie diets are not always enough to get rid of stubborn fat and unsightly dimpling.
  • Those that want to rediscover the face they love, not some fixed-expression recreated face (I imagine this is a slight dig at someone overly Botoxed!)

Overall someone who wants high-tech treatments along with healthy, natural, and responsible beauty.

The at-home option - Wellbox HOME: The home-use answer from LPG and Currentbody – the Wellbox at £799

Endermologie has always intrigued me with its futuristic approach to beauty - take a trip to any beauty expo and be swooned by the beauty of the LPG offerings. Interestingly, the UK press were not always kind to it, often a specific time in the early 00’s when journalists felt these type of machines were over-promising results, but also possibly due to its French roots. Unperturbed however, LPG reacted well and secured a huge following of celebrity users to hit back at any negativity.

I first came across the home use alternative on my travels to the USA in 2005. Whilst ‘pre-CurrentBody’, the machine stuck with me and was clearly in my mind when we began the CB journey a couple of years ago. It's a wonderful looking piece of kit that would grace any bedroom or bathroom. Harrods even (typically) stocked a diamond incrusted carnation (seen below) for those willing to part with the paltry sum of £10,000!

Part ornament but with a serious results side. £1000 for a course of 10 treatments in a salon, or £799 (without the diamonds!) for your very own device and a piece of ‘beauty history’ and suddenly the Wellbox looks like truly good value. Of course, don’t expect the same results immediately as you would after being treated by a professional, but for those limited for spare time for that day at the spa or salon this is the answer. Now coming in a choice of colours - including a black version for men - it continues to be one of the must have beauty gadgets.

Until someone else comes up with a device that looks and delivers in the way the Wellbox does, I will continue to refer to it as the Ferrari of home use electrical beauty!

CurrentBody TIP: It may only be 20 minutes that is needed but take some proper time out of your day to use your Wellbox with the mobile phone off, kids in bed and door locked - pure 'you' time to enjoy using one of the world’s best devices.

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