Acne is triggered by a range of factors, including your hormones, diet, genetics and even stress. Even though many of us have been wearing less makeup whilst at home, we've still had trouble keeping breakouts to a minimum.
Now there's even a new flare-up of acne on the rise which is caused by wearing face masks, with many calling this new wave of breakouts 'maskne'. The friction caused by covering the skin irritates it and clogs the pores, causing flare-ups around the mouth and nose.
One of our customers has been using the LUSTRE SOLO to clear up her complexion. As a long-term sufferer of acne, Laura kept a 12 week diary of her experience using the Blue Light therapy device. Designed to deliver a completely targeted treatment to the skin, the Blue Light works to fight acne-causing bacteria. The safe and effective light treatment is clinically proven to help you clear your skin of acne, spots and blemishes while being gentle and completely natural.
Read on to find out how Laura's experience with LUSTRE SOLO has helped to keep her acne away.

Skin Type & Problem Areas
Overall my skin isn’t too bad, I wouldn’t say I have acne but I do get a large amount of hormonal spots on my chin & cheek area (the kind that are really painful & never really come to a head). Because of this, I have some scarring left behind from my teen years from trying to remove them before they were ready. I'm definitely still guilty of this from time to time but I’m working on it! I want to try the LUSTRE device to see if it can help reduce the impact of these hormonal spots & stop new ones appearing in those areas.
Week One
This was my first time trying the LUSTRE SOLO this week, I found it really easy to use and I love the portable aspect of the device. It means I can use it whilst doing household chores or watching TV. It doesn't get in the way of my general day-to-day life because I don't have to set any time aside to use it. I feel like it's perfect for anyone with a busy lifestyle or someone's who's on the go most of the time.
On the first use I felt a little tingling sensation, but it was fine after a minute or so and once my skin had gotten used to it. I have three problem areas (both sides of my chin where I get hormonal spots & on my right cheek where I have some scarring & a few active spots) so I’ll be focusing on those areas over the next few weeks.
Week Two
It’s Christmas time so I've been out a few times this week drinking & for food, so I’ve got a few more spots than usual, especially on my cheeks. Whilst I haven’t noticed any dramatic difference yet, I do think the spots in the areas I’ve been targeting look less red than they usually would be.
Week Three
I’ve been using the device 3-4 times a week now for the recommended 20 minutes in each area and it's definitely been helping with my hormonal spots. They’ve reduced dramatically in size and look a lot less angry than they used to. I still have scarring but I’m expecting it to take a lot longer to properly notice a difference.
Week Four
It’s that time of the month and I always get a really angry looking hormonal spot in the same place on my chin. This month it’s still appeared, but it’s nowhere near as big or painful as it usually is. It feels really great to notice this difference!
Overall my skin isn’t too bad, I wouldn’t say I have acne but I do get a large amount of hormonal spots on my chin & cheek area (the kind that are really painful & never really come to a head). Because of this, I have some scarring left behind from my teen years from trying to remove them before they were ready. I'm definitely still guilty of this from time to time but I’m working on it! I want to try the LUSTRE device to see if it can help reduce the impact of these hormonal spots & stop new ones appearing in those areas.
Week One
This was my first time trying the LUSTRE SOLO this week, I found it really easy to use and I love the portable aspect of the device. It means I can use it whilst doing household chores or watching TV. It doesn't get in the way of my general day-to-day life because I don't have to set any time aside to use it. I feel like it's perfect for anyone with a busy lifestyle or someone's who's on the go most of the time.
On the first use I felt a little tingling sensation, but it was fine after a minute or so and once my skin had gotten used to it. I have three problem areas (both sides of my chin where I get hormonal spots & on my right cheek where I have some scarring & a few active spots) so I’ll be focusing on those areas over the next few weeks.
Week Two
It’s Christmas time so I've been out a few times this week drinking & for food, so I’ve got a few more spots than usual, especially on my cheeks. Whilst I haven’t noticed any dramatic difference yet, I do think the spots in the areas I’ve been targeting look less red than they usually would be.
Week Three
I’ve been using the device 3-4 times a week now for the recommended 20 minutes in each area and it's definitely been helping with my hormonal spots. They’ve reduced dramatically in size and look a lot less angry than they used to. I still have scarring but I’m expecting it to take a lot longer to properly notice a difference.
Week Four
It’s that time of the month and I always get a really angry looking hormonal spot in the same place on my chin. This month it’s still appeared, but it’s nowhere near as big or painful as it usually is. It feels really great to notice this difference!

Week Five
The angry hormonal spot has healed a lot quicker than usual, with no annoying blemishes left behind. My key focus has been making sure to focus more on this area with the device to help heal it quicker, and I'm so glad to say it's been working!
Week Six
My chin area is looking MUCH better than usual, so I thought that this would be the perfect time to start focusing more on some old scarring on my cheeks. Occasionally I still get red spots in this area so I think it's going to be really interesting to see if this extra focus helps to keep these at bay.
Week Seven
I’m travelling a lot with work this week, so I love that I can bring the device with me - the handheld portable aspect of this is definitely really helpful. I’m continuing to focus on my cheeks and I haven’t had any spots in this area yet - fingers crossed!
Week Eight
It’s almost that time of the month again so I’ve been using the device on that area of my chin to see if it will stop the hormonal spot from appearing! The scarring on cheeks is looking visibly less red than usual which is great.
Week Nine
So I can confirm that the hormonal spot never came! I’ve also had no new spots on my face for a few days now and I'm feeling amazing.
Week Ten
I've been a little slack with using the device this past week and a few spots have crept back. This has reminded me that consistency is key with your routine, even when your skin is looking good and you don't think you need it.
Week Eleven
After using the device consistently again, the spots that appeared last week have practically gone. No marks left behind either which is great news, as this is usually one of my biggest areas of concern.
Week Twelve
My skin is looking super clear this week but I’ve made sure I keep using the device on my problem areas in spite of this. I’ve still got some scarring on my cheeks but it’s definitely helped to calm the redness and reduce its appearance.

Final Review
I’ve really enjoyed using this device. It’s super easy to use, I love the portable aspect and an added benefit is that it works as a great timer for getting jobs done! The improvements to my skin have been amazing, I’ve seen a reduction in hormonal spots, improvement with scarring and I’ve noticed that if I do get a spot now, it clears so much quicker than it used to!
I'll definitely continue using the device to keep my clear complexion and I'd 100% recommend this device to anyone suffering from acne, it's just been an absolute gamechanger for me!