We've been trying, testing and selling beauty tools for over 10 years. So, we know a thing or two about beauty. We're the device experts, after all. But our Customer Choice Awards are all about celebrating our best-loved devices, as chosen by you, our customers. From the most-reviewed to the can’t-live-withouts, we’ll be hearing from real CURRENTBODY customers about their favourite devices and how their lives have been changed, for the better, since using them.

Rachel told us how she used the Nira Skincare Laser instead of turning to fillers:
"I used Nira Skin in the run up to my wedding in 2019. Definitely what I would consider my problem area, I did explore the option of fillers to plump out my tear troughs and soften my eye-area wrinkles, but I’ve never been a fan of needles so a consultation was as far as I got.
When I started with Nira, it definitely made sense following the instructions - power doesn’t equal faster results. I used it on setting 1 and 2 throughout my treatments and found it warming but really not sore or painful. For comparison to a bikini wax pain, it’s a 1 - you can feel a sensation but I didn’t find it sore.
The biggest thing I found using Nira was that it takes persistence, like seeing results from the gym. And like those new silhouette definitions you get, the results are worth it. I used it for one minute a day as religiously as I could.
The turning point for seeing results was at the six-week mark where I could see a real noticeable improvement. and would recommend it to anyone who wants a targeted anti-ageing treatment.
It’s two minutes a day, which is less than anyone spends on social media and the results are worth the commitment."
And the before and afters speak for themselves…

How does the NIRA Skincare Laser work?
This FDA-cleared device gently warms your skin underneath to help your body make collagen - the protein which helps to keep our skin plump. The NIRA Skincare Laser targets this treatment around the area that usually needs it the most - your eyes. Often the telltale sign of getting older, we begin to develop fine lines and wrinkles around this area, like pesky crow’s feet. The NIRA Skincare Laser’s wrinkle-fighting power means you can say goodbye to these for good.
Is the NIRA Skincare Laser just for the eyes?
You’ll see best results when you use the laser around your eyes, but it can also be used for targeting other areas where wrinkles are likely to form, such as around your mouth.
What technology does NIRA Skincare Laser use?
NIRA Skincare Laser uses Non-Fractional Laser, which is a clinical-grade laser therapy that helps to firm and tighten your skin. It works by warming your skin underneath the surface to trigger your skin’s cell renewing process. This jumpstarts your body’s natural process of making new collagen and smoothes out wrinkles.
Does it hurt?
Laser therapy has been known to hurt during treatments, but NIRA have cleverly developed this device to work just below the pain threshold - while still delivering professional results. All you should feel while using the device is a warm sensation at the laser get to work underneath the surface of your skin.
Want to find out more about the NIRA Skincare Laser? Shop the device here.
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