It’s been a really interesting couple of weeks at CurrentBody. From speaking at one of the world’s most prestigious laser and aesthetic meetings to an update on CurrentBody’s very first device, we sat down with our founder and CEO, Laurence Newman, to find out what’s been going on at CurrentBody HQ over the last couple of weeks.
Speaking at the 5CC Conference in Barcelona
I recently spoke at one of the world’s most prestigious laser and aesthetic meetings - the 5CC Conference in Barcelona. I mainly spoke about the impact of home-use beauty devices for both consumers and manufacturers.
Most of the people there were medical and aesthetic professionals, so I must admit I did feel a little bit like a fish out of water. I spoke predominantly to them about the fact that home-use devices are here - and they’re here to stay - we discussed the impact that they have on their businesses.
I spoke predominantly about the fact that home-use devices are here - and they’re here to stay."
One of the key discussion points was addressing the fact that clinic managers and doctors often think that these products are ‘taking away’ treatments from their own clinics - and that most definitely just isn’t the case.
Home-use devices have been developed to be used in conjunction with in-salon treatments and I wanted to highlight the importance of educating, not just the consumer but also medical professionals, about how these devices can be used alongside professional treatments."
The rise of Dermaflash
"Secondly, recently we’ve seen the rise of Dermaflash. It’s had an amazing start at CurrentBody and we’re delighted to be one of the first people to stock the brand in the UK.
I think Dermaplaning is a really exciting technology and it’s something that’s going to be here to stay - I look forward to seeing how it does."
We've launched CurrentBody Skin
We finally got our own CurrentBody Skin product on to pre-order - which is amazing and I’m so excited about the launch.
The response has been absolutely fantastic and I’m really looking forward to seeing how it does over the coming months and years.
Want to know more about the CurrentBody Skin LED Light Therapy Mask? Pre-order the device here."