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Korean skincare has made quite an impact in the beauty world recently, putting a focus on boosting your skin’s natural health. How can we incorporate Korean rituals into our day? We investigate…

What is Korean Skincare?

Asian beauty routines are famed for a heavy focus on a holistic approach to skincare.

In Eastern cultures, imperfections and blemishes across the skin are signs that you are not looking after your body properly - which could encompass anything from a lack of sleep, an imbalanced diet or overloading your skin with too much product.

Korean skincare routines are part of an age-old tradition in self care, treating your body to a little relaxation time that will show clear outward results with a plumper, glowing and healthier complexion.

Although rooted in ancient traditions, modern regimes combine traditional practices with innovative technology to supercharge and rejuvenate your skin.

How does it work?

Korean skincare champions high quality ingredients that indulge your complexion and relax the muscles.

Essentially skin is thoroughly cleansed, exfoliated and moisturised to prep it for the day ahead.

Regularly using such a routine will simply restore your overall well-being, keeping skin hydrated and well rested to reveal a younger-looking and calmer version of yourself.

What does a routine typically look like?

Cleanse the face thoroughly. Traditionally, this would simply be using your hands, soap and water, but times have changed. Try using a facial cleansing brush to optimise your treatment, reaching deep into the pores to rid the skin of any impurities, build-up and toxins that are likely to be the cause of any blemishes.

Tone the skin before you go any further, locking in hydration at this early stage. Although it can seem overkill, this step actually preps the skin to absorb the rest of your treatments better.

Apply serum if you suffer from dark spots or pigmentation. This step is essential in evening out the skin tone to provide a true blank canvas.

Sheet mask treatments have been revolutionised with the arrival of bespoke home-use devices. Choose the routine that addresses your concern and treat yourself to a 90 second facial to give your complexion the pick-me-up that it deserves.

Dab eye cream under the eyes to reduce puffiness, smooth away any fine lines and generally enhance a well-rested look.

Moisturise the skin with a nourishing SPF to finish off the routine. Use this time to pamper yourself and unwind, safe in the knowledge that you are protecting your skin from external sun and environmental damage.

Our product expert says…

When you incorporate elements of Korean Skincare into your day, the results are definitely cumulative. Over time, you will notice that the overall quality of your complexion is improved to become a perfect base for your favourite products, as well as taking that precious time out to unwind from your hectic lifestyle. Trust us, your skin will thank you for it.

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