24 January 2018 · By Chloe Beveridge

Putting your feedback to work


Next week I will be speaking at IMCAS (International Master Course on Ageing Science). IMCAS started in 1995, in Paris, France, as a congress dedicated to plastic surgeons and dermatologists. Since its conception, IMCAS has sought to bridge the knowledge vacuum between Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Dermatology, thereby generating a synergistic and mutually reinforcing interface among these two fields. IMCAS has become one of the most important international courses dedicated to Ageing Skin Treatments. IMCAS Annual World Congress is held in Paris during the first weekend of February and welcomes more than 5 000 participants from 85 countries.

Home Use Devices in the last 5 years have changed the landscape on aesthetic treatments and this in turn has impacted both the clinics and salons that carry out the treatments as well as the manufacturers of both professional and at-home units.

With the influx of such devices comes the requirement to ensure the consumer has safe and effective products first and foremost and as members of the Home Use Device working group we meet at these conferences to also provide a voice from the consumers’ perspective. As a company, we as members of the group feel we have very close links to ‘home use device’ buyers and are able to share your experiences with the manufacturers of tomorrow’s products as well as medical and aesthetic professionals in attendance. Your responses to our questionnaires and informed product reviews both positive and sometimes negative give us hugely relevant data to present. In my time in the industry I have never experienced such an engaged customer and I thank you for all the feedback we receive.

I firmly believe there is still significant education required. We need to unravel the clinical studies and translate them to user friendly, relevant information to ensure reliable, safe products sit both stand-alone but also importantly compliment a clinical treatment. It is our role at Currentbody to ensure our customers know what to use but also what not to use and we will continue to be part of the working group to ensure the most up to date information is provided to our unique following and beyond.

Make no mistake these are exciting times in the home use device world, but with success comes fake product, unscrupulous sellers and me-too devices that don’t have appropriate approvals. By meeting at these events we hope to continue to regulate these potential issues and provide a partnership with clinic professionals and manufacturers to educate you the consumer on the benefits of home treatments and ensure any experience is one that meets expectations.

Thank you once again to all our customers that continue to support us, and I assure you we will continue to provide the most innovative selection of safe, effective beauty technology available.


Other members of the Home Use Device group include: Walgreens Boots Alliance (UK); Babyliss (France); Calor Groupe SEB (France); Cosmetique Active International, Group L’Oréal Beauty Devices (France); CyDen (UK); Current Body (UK); Dezac Group (UK); HoMedics Europe (UK); Home Skinovations (Israel); Iluminage (USA); Intenzity (Denmark); Philips Consumer Lifestyle (Netherlands); Shaser Bioscience (USA) and Stetic Sense (Spain).

Click on the following links to read more about the Home Use Device Working Group and IMCAS.

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