As we age, our body’s natural current slows down, which can often lead to a loss of skin’s elasticity and loss of contour. While muscular exercises and dedicated meal plans can improve your core strength and condition, they often don’t tone the skin itself, resulting in sagging and dimples.
NuBODY takes your healthy lifestyle one step further, helping you achieve what nutrition and exercise alone cannot. Building on the success of the
NuFACE facial trainer, FDA-cleared
NuBODY uses microcurrent technology across four treatment spheres. When the current comes into contact with the skin’s surface, it delivers a powerful yet gentle flow of targeted treatments across the larger, denser areas of the body. The low-level soothing treatment feels like the gentle vibrations of a massage, providing instant and cumulative results. This concentration of energy diffuses deep into the skin and muscles to smooth away dimples over time, resulting in a toned and firmed silhouette. Suitable for use on the arms, abs, thighs and buttocks, each 5-minute session will:
Tone and improve the appearance of sagging skin
Firm and help improve skin’s strength
Smooth and improve the look of ripples and dimples
What’s more, the results of the clinical trials really speak for themselves:
- 92% of users showed an increase in skin tone
- 84% of users said their skin appeared firmer
- 80% of users’ skin appeared smoother
For optimum results, we recommend using the NuBODY device for just 5 minutes per day over a 60-day period.