11 August 2016 · By Chloe Beveridge

7 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do With Your Clarisonic


Clarisonic is world famous for cleansing your face and body, leaving you with clearer, silky soft skin. Well, we've got news for you, it can do WAY more than that! Here are 7 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do With Your Clarisonic

Big Deal Alert!

1. Remove Hair Dye

It’s happened to the best of us. If you’ve ever dyed your hair at home, or had a friend do it for you, chances are you’ve experienced slip ups resulting in dye marks on your neck, ears and hairline. These stains can be really difficult to remove and often hang around for days, or you end up scrubbing them away until your face is red raw! With just 1 minute’s use of a Clarisonic paired with your favourite facial cleanser, you can remove any stain, no matter how dark the dye! (Trust us, we’ve tried it with Schwarzkopf’s LIVE Deep Black Hair Dye!)

2. Remove Leftover Makeup (that you didn't even know was there)

We all know the face wipe test when removing makeup. The first one is usually saturated in mascara and foundation, the second less so, and the third is usually clear. However, if you use your Clarisonic once you think all your makeup has gone, you’ll see just how much is left hanging around, which would otherwise be left sat on your skin all night.

3. Get Rid of Streaky Fake Tan

If you have ever applied fake tan, or had it sprayed on at a salon, you’ll notice that as the days go by the colour can fade unevenly and often leave patchy marks. It’s always tricky to remove, and you can end up with red marks from all the scrubbing when you try! With the Clarisonic Smart Profile or Plus, you can use the body function to buff away any patches in seconds.

4. Prepare Your Feet For Sandals

Many people only associate Clarisonic with facial cleansing, but it doesn’t stop there. The Clarisonic Pedi comes with two heads and an array of nourishing goodies to buff and file your feet to perfection.

5. Top Off Your Manicure

Painting your right hand (or left if you’re a lefty) is every girl’s nightmare. With Clarisonic, removing excess dried-on polish from your cuticles has never been easier. Run the brush over your fingers on a low speed to get rid of any imperfections for the perfect manicure.

6. Reduce Ingrown Hairs

By using the Clarisonic Plus or Smart Profile, you can help tease out or prevent ingrown hairs. It’s not as harsh as exfoliating, but it’s effective enough to leave you smooth and ingrown hair free!

7. Improve The Effectiveness Of Your Creams and Serums

By cleansing your face with a Clarisonic, you’re ridding your pores of oil, dirt and impurities, which would otherwise create a barrier. Breaking down this barrier means your skin creams, anti ageing lotions and moisturisers are properly absorbed and take full effect.

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